Our Mission
We are a political movement called Ekklesia Nation, and our mission is to train, resource, equip and activate the most powerful entity in the world, THE EKKLESIA, to SAVE AMERICA from a communist takeover. We believe that it is our duty to protect the values and principles that make America great. Join us in our mission to defend our country and our freedoms.
what is ekklesia
Jesus the Messiah King, said, "On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18
In this powerful statement made by Jesus The King, he says, He will build his Church.... The word translated here church in the original greek text is, EKKLESIA. This word should not be mistaken with Jesus saying he will build his synagog, temple or a 501(c)3 religious institution.
The word Ekklesia was commonly used in the Roman Empire, predating the birth of Jesus by approximately 680 years. The Ekklesia was a not a place that one could go or organization to be grown but rather and assembly of a people intentionally called and sent out.
Historically these "called out" or "sent ones", were males of fighting age and their presence was required when the gathering was called. The Ekklesia established ordinances, proclaim decrees, made decisions that would determine the direction of cities, regions and even determined if the people would engage in physical warfare to acquire new territories.
In short, The Ekklesia by definition and historical account, refers to a legislative & judicial branch of government. Jesus is not coming back as King, he was born, lived and died as a King and builds His Ekklesia at the gates of hell!
We are Ekklesia Nation and are committed to assisting people of the Christian faith and goodwill citizens engage in every sphere of society especially in the cultural sphere of Government and Politics.
the american standard
“So speak & so act as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty.”
James 2:12
The only proper purpose of government is to protect lives, liberty, and property. These are what are known as unalienable, God-given, negative rights. Individuals have a right NOT to be killed or threatened with violence. They have a right NOT to be controlled, enslaved, or coerced. They have a right NOT to be robbed, pillaged, and plundered. Government should act defensively to protect these God-given rights from theft and destruction, including at the hands of government agents and agencies. Any further involvement by government is tyranny.
There are no positive rights to anything (for example: healthcare, education, transportation, communications). Many things we desire in life are commodities, luxuries, privileges, blessings, or responsibilities; but we have no right to them. When government attempts to grant positive rights to things, it disturbs the free market, creates unfair advantages and disadvantages, harms businesses, violates people’s consciences, and tends to steal personal property to fund it all.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. This applies to government agents and agencies at every level. Government agencies, businesses, and corporations—in fact, collectives of any kind—should not be allowed legally to do anything that would be immoral for an individual to do. The ends do not justify the means. No end justifies employing means that in themselves are immoral or harm lives, liberty, or property. This applies to government agents and agencies. We must obey God rather than human authorities.
In God’s creation marriage and family are the true pillars of civilization, and parents and patriarchs are the true God-ordained leaders of civil society. Therefore, we oppose any government action that undermines, opposes, destroys, or redefines God’s definition and plan for marriage and family.
The right to life is self-evident and unalienable. Therefore, we oppose the regulation of murder by abortion and call upon State officials to completely abolish murder by abortion and classify the act as homicide.
The right to self-defense is a corollary to the right to life; there is no right to life without a right to self-defense. Therefore, we support the right of every individual to effectively defend his life and the lives of those around him. We support the unrestricted right of everyone to own and carry arms. We oppose gun-free zones.
The right to liberty is self-evident and unalienable. Americans should be free from government interference in their daily lives and choices. We do not need a nanny-State dictating what is good for us, that is, mandating what we can and cannot say, what we can and cannot do, what we can and cannot buy, where we can and cannot go, with whom we can and cannot associate, with whom we can and cannot transact business, and how we go about any of these things.
The right to own and control property is self-evident and unalienable. Theft is morally wrong. Therefore, we call upon States to abolish real estate taxes. We oppose Civil Asset Forfeiture and the exercise of Eminent Domain.
Individuals own and control their businesses as their own private property. Therefore, they are free to control and dispose of that property however they see fit with willing buyers. We oppose government mandated licensing and regulation of business as immoral interference.
This is the practice of government directly helping or hindering a chosen businesses or industry, which is not a morally proper function of government. Government incentives come in various forms, but always involve a publicly funded financial benefit to the private sector. This forces truly private businesses to compete against their own tax dollars being used against them by government-picked and government-backed competitors. Therefore, we oppose the following and all government strategies of economic development: grants, loans, ownership, public-private partnerships, tax credits, subsidies, incremental tax financing, unequal regulations, rural opportunity zones, tourism and improvement districts.
Taxation is morally wrong because it is theft of private property. Therefore, we call upon the State to abolish the income tax and to fund its proper functions through voluntary donations and user fees.
The unalienable rights to life and property mean that we own and control our own bodies. Therefore, healthcare is the responsibility of individuals and families. We oppose government mandating how we care for our bodies and what we put into our bodies and the bodies of our children.
Education is not a right; it is a privilege and belongs to individuals and families. We oppose State-mandated schools and forced participation in government schools. We support the liberty (without coercion) to educate ourselves and our children when, how, and where we see fit. We oppose government mandating what is put into the minds of our children. Although education is not a right, or a proper function of government, some states labor under a Constitution which grants that the State shall provide for the compulsory attendance at some public or other school, unless other means of education are provided, such as home, charter or private school. Therefore, within this improper construct, we call for all funds confiscated by local government for the purpose of education to be assigned to individual students to be expended at their parents’ or guardians’ sole discretion, not solely to a local government school, district, or board.
The States created the federal government to perform a small list of numbered tasks on their behalf. Therefore, we support the right of State government and government officials to nullify unconstitutional federal actions, orders, laws, and court opinions per Amendments IX and X of the U.S. Constitution.
Money is power, so the unlimited ability to borrow means government wields unlimited power, which corrupts absolutely. We oppose bonded indebtedness to fund government functions and projects. Government should only budget those funds which it is able to raise morally, and those funds should be allocated only for proper functions of government.
Giving beneficial gifts for the welfare of others should be administered voluntarily by individuals, families, religious organizations, and charitable organizations. True need will be met efficiently and effectively by people loving people, not by government programs.