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An urgent mesSage to the American Church

I am writing this in response to a special meeting I was invited to as a faith leader of America with President Trump in North Carolina. The meeting evolved into a public rally but I believe I was able to see and hear enough to share with you my observation.

To honor your time, I’ll get straight to the point. I firmly believe President Trump won the 2020 election, and I anticipate a significant victory for him in 2024. However, I am deeply concerned with the apathy displayed by the American Christian Church.

It’s alarming that approximately 104 million people of faith, including 32 million+ self proclaimed regular churchgoers, will not be voting in the 2024 election due to a lack of interest. Research from the Barna Group further shows that even a simple encouragement from the pulpit could motivate up to five million additional voters.

Jesus said He would build His Church / Ekklesia at the gates of hell, but the absence of 32 million+ of His followers from this crucial moment speaks volumes about the condition of America and its future.

This absence, driven by a lack of interest, is appalling and incomprehensible—a byproduct of hirelings, cowards, and immature spiritual leaders who have been deceived by impostors. These impostors have promoted a fear-based, impoverished and political gospel, and are more concerned with offerings, attendance, and protecting congregants’ feelings than preaching the truth.

As followers of Jesus, we should be highly interested in the critical issues facing our nation.

That said, I predict Trump will win the 2024 Presidential Election and return to the White House. However, as we’ve seen in the Republican National Convention (RNC), Christian absence has created a vacuum. This vacuum has ushered in leaders who have no knowledge of God and are morally bankrupt! They’ve allowed worldly pragmatism to push the party to water down its platform, seeking an all-inclusive “BIG TENT” party that compromises its previously held core values — namely God and His statutes, which are the very foundation of their previous successes.

As John Adams once said, “Our Constitution was made ONLY for a moral and religious people.” If we continue to be absent, others will steer our nation further into moral decline and chaos, surpassing even the challenges posed by far-left agendas. We must be present, unified, and courageous in our engagement.

The next great battle will not be for the white house but rather which voices influence it.

Beloved, some say our nation can only be saved and made great again by Jesus. While I agree with the sentiment, as a prophetic voice and apostolic servant to my generation, I must say I believe this is a political and religious copout. Allow me to remind you: Jesus has already come and completed His mission. He said, “It is finished,” and now sits at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us. He is not running for office nor is He going to unzip the sky and wave a magic wand to fix America. Why?

God has tasked us, His beloved sons and daughters, through Jesus, to advance the Kingdom of God to the ends of the earth—not to hasten Jesus’ return, but because He has already come and ransomed mankind, broken the curse, and reconciled us to the Father. We carry the greatest message in the world—the message of hope, love, joy, and peace! This message of the Kingdom and THE KING OF THAT DOMAIN, JESUS, will not only MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN but MAKE AMERICA GODLY AGAIN and bring a measure of peace and prosperity never experienced. This is true for every nation that will accept Jesus as King!

Jesus declared that we are to be salt, light, seed, and cities on a hill. We are called to occupy until He returns, to be found faithful, spotless, and without blemish. The Apostle Paul wrote, all creation waits with eager expectation for the revealing of the sons of God. Beloved, we must awaken from our slumber, repent of our apathy, and quickly become interested in what interests Jesus. We must be present, united, and courageous on behalf of JESUS THE KING!

But what if we don’t? Will God’s plans be thwarted? By no means. Our God has a great reputation for playing the long game. His eternal plan will not fail, but it would be a needless tragedy for the American Church to wander in a wilderness of persecution and darkness, just as the children of Israel needlessly wandered for 40 years. Let us not wait for another generation to arise that will overturn the altars of baal, abolish abortion, depart from sexual immorality and broken covenants! We can and should do this now!

Again I say, it is unnecessary for us to wander in the wilderness of darkness when the promise and invitation from God is right before us. We must repent as a nation and stop trying to negotiate with God as though we have something to offer. If Jesus and His Church—the Ekklesia—are truly the hope to save America we must act like it, being present, unified and courageous to stand for JESUS THE KING and take interest in what interests Him by letting our voices be heard especially when it comes to voting. Not just in the 2024 Presidential Election but in every election, as ambassadors and citizens of The Kingdom of God, we should be representing His values at the ballot box.

Finally, if there is any question in your mind as to who you should vote for regarding the next President, Kamala Harris made the answer unequivocally clear in her recent rally, when someone shouted, “Jesus is Lord” and she responded, “Oh, you are at the wrong rally!”

While attending the meeting with President Trump in Charolette North Carolina, the gathering was filled with prayer, scripture reading, godly exhortations and the crowd shouting many time “Jesus is King”!

Beloved, there is no question, Donald J. Trump is the man for the hour and deserves your vote to again be voted in as President of These United States for a third time. He made this clear by saying, the church / ekklesia is the most powerful entity America. If united and brave there is not a bill we cannot pass or politician we cant remove. He shared his desire to partner with us in this mission! Let us not miss this opportunity to do just that.


Daniel Navejas

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